Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
ApparelCamp 2016
Let’s be honest; living in Vancouver, most of us can’t really afford to quit our jobs to go back to school. I certainly couldn’t. I wanted to find a way[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
Let’s be honest; living in Vancouver, most of us can’t really afford to quit our jobs to go back to school. I certainly couldn’t. I wanted to find a way[…]
Last week I had the pleasure to attend the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing held in Houston, TX. This conference is the world’s largest gathering of women technologists.[…]
We all had that nervous first week, fighting to prove that we were the superior balloon builders and pole balancers (mom would be so proud); we ran for office, learned[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
Business-as-usual is now no longer possible with the crisis that is faced by our global water resources. I had the privilege of attending Stockholm Water Week 2016 at the end[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
Early this year I competed in a sustainability case competition hosted by the SFU Net Impact team. The following video gives some great clips of what a formal competition consists[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
On Wednesday April 13, four students from the Student Investment Advisory Service Fund (SIAS) arrived in Chicago, Illinois to attend the ENGAGE International Investment Education Symposium with thousands of students,[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
As part of SFU’s cross-cultural study team touring the regions of British Columbia, I had a unique opportunity of meeting some remarkable individuals from the First Nations, listening to stories[…]
How many words can you read per minute? What about at 10 pm at night when faced with a 20 page case study that is due for the next day?[…]
Best Cheap Eats Vancouver is home to some of the best restaurants in North America with over 5000 restaurants in the Greater Vancouver Region alone. As a result, the city is[…]
Business networking is the key component of every business program. The question is how to make it a fun and thrilling experience? Elevator Pitch The most effective tip[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
People generally join MBA programs to gain management skills to excel in their career. For me, I want to continue working in Human Resources and was looking to interact with[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
On Friday, March 11, four students from the Master of Science in Finance program earned second place in Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) Risk Management Challenge in Chicago, Illinois.[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
After countless ideas, discussions, and hours of work, our team was ready for the big weekend. We finished a marketing class in Vancouver, and then we were off to San[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
So you may be wondering, what do MBA students do with their free time on weekends? In between studying for our classes, we can be found participating in many case[…]
I could see how a student might approach an MBA as a purely academic exercise and how this could result in missing valuable chances for personal growth that are not[…]