Participating in the RADIUS Trampoline Business Model Validation Program
“Make the most of your MBA” was the advice that someone gave me before moving to Vancouver from Lima, Peru, my home country. At the time, I thought that meant[…]
“Make the most of your MBA” was the advice that someone gave me before moving to Vancouver from Lima, Peru, my home country. At the time, I thought that meant[…]
Articles proclaiming the benefits of exercise and the importance of work-life balance are not new. An article published in the Harvard Business Review stated that exercise reduces stress and helps[…]
“So, why SFU?” Over the course of my MBA experience, I’ve been asked this question quite a lot. Whether at networking events, interviews, or catching up with friends, I’ve grown[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
The Japanese term ikigai frames one’s reason for being as a combination of what one loves to do, what one is good at, what one can be paid for, and[…]
A few of my colleagues and I hosted an event last week called “Planting the Seeds of Hope”* — a fundraiser for the Alan & Ghalib Kurdi Foundation. This[…]
The 2016 Net Impact Conference was presented with the theme of Making History. Each session was crafted to encompass this spirit, and to positively shape the creation of ideas. In[…]
We all had that nervous first week, fighting to prove that we were the superior balloon builders and pole balancers (mom would be so proud); we ran for office, learned[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
Business-as-usual is now no longer possible with the crisis that is faced by our global water resources. I had the privilege of attending Stockholm Water Week 2016 at the end[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
People generally join MBA programs to gain management skills to excel in their career. For me, I want to continue working in Human Resources and was looking to interact with[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
On Friday, March 11, four students from the Master of Science in Finance program earned second place in Professional Risk Managers’ International Association (PRMIA) Risk Management Challenge in Chicago, Illinois.[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
After countless ideas, discussions, and hours of work, our team was ready for the big weekend. We finished a marketing class in Vancouver, and then we were off to San[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
So you may be wondering, what do MBA students do with their free time on weekends? In between studying for our classes, we can be found participating in many case[…]
I could see how a student might approach an MBA as a purely academic exercise and how this could result in missing valuable chances for personal growth that are not[…]
Graduate Experience · Student Engagement
The Graduate Business Student Association (GBSA) is a student led organization that connects all graduate business students at the Beedie School of Business. The executive team, which consists of: the[…]
转眼来温哥华已经快一年,MBA 的课业也已接近尾声。这一年里有过想要放弃的冲动,有过欢欣鼓舞的时刻,有过迷茫无措的烦恼,还有一些小小的感悟。于是很高兴有机会写这篇博客。能将这些思考的碎片稍作整理,记录下来与人分享,总是一件开心的事情。