Inside the YVR Airport control centre as part of the Operations Management course.
I could talk about every single professor I’ve had over the past year, as each one has expanded my way of thinking and process of learning in very different ways. But for now, let me tell you about three professors that I believe to be representative of the diverse styles of teaching at the Beedie School of Business.
Ian McCarthy
Associate Dean, Graduate Programs Professor, Technology and Operations Management / Strategy
Some say that you can judge a person’s influence based on the number of followers they have on twitter. If this is the case, then consider Ian McCarthy influential. Seriously, he has 20,000 of them. I know what you’re thinking- maybe I can get him to retweet that really cute picture of my dog ‘Pickles’? No. He is known for being on top of just about every trend in the tech and design sector, and will encourage his students to always ask ‘why?’- challenging the status quo when necessary. Through a number of interactive simulations, you will learn how to understand design thinking and processes relating to operations management.
You know a professor has had a profound impact on a class when the students
are now unable to stand in a line without trying to identify the bottleneck.
Mila Lazarova
Associate Professor, International Business Canada Research Chair in Global Workforce Management, Director of Centre for Global Workforce Strategy
Diverse and globalized workforces are almost unavoidable in Vancouver, hence it is invaluable as a manager to have a toolkit for understanding the different needs and expectations of individuals. Introducing Mila Lazarova. Now Mila is not your typical professor. With a wickedly sharp wit and down-to-earth manner, it is easy to forget you are in a classroom and not simply having an intelligent and stimulating conversation with a peer. Imagine someone lighting a flare and tossing into a forest, allowing the flames to spread. This is what Mila does, with ideas. She will ignite a thought and allow the class to run with it, building on it as debate ensues and personal experiences are shared. Be prepared to to do some serious cultural exploration and be willing to confront your own preconceptions.
Jan Simon
Senior Lecturer, Finance Academic Chair, Executive Masters of Business Administration Academic Chair, Management of Technology MBA
Walking into Jan’s classroom is like walking onto a battlefield. There is an initial shock. At any moment you may be called upon to take a position, justify it, and defend it from attack. From the level of intensity you’d almost think Jan was once a military grade Commando or an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs. You’d be wrong. He was both. Jan has taught at some of the top business schools on the planet, INSEAD and IESE to name a few, and can do so in four languages. During a typical managerial finance class Jan will take you on a journey, diving head first into a real world business case, analyzing an organization from the inside with hawk-like precision. There will be moments of astonishment and disbelief, just don’t be late to class!
Anil is an Operations Manager within the music and live entertainment industry. Having worked and lived across four countries, Anil firmly believes in the power of community, culture and creativity. Contact Anil at anilp@sfu.ca or connect with him on LinkedIn.